To The End (Anther Lo💔e )


To The End (Anther Lo💔e )

There was once a boy with a big heart and an even bigger talent. He was  a poet, and he had a way with words that could touch the deepest parts of people's souls. He had always been a romantic, and he believed that true love was the most beautiful thing in the world.

The boy had been in love once before, but it had ended in heartbreak. He had poured his heart and soul into the relationship, but his partner had not been able to reciprocate his feelings. He was devastated, but he refused to let the pain consume him.

Years went by, and the boy focused on his poetry. He poured all of his energy into his art, and he became quite successful. He had many fans who loved his work, but he still felt a sense of emptiness inside.

QUOTE IN His Mind :

   A Lost Soul He Lives But...   hardly talks

   he waiting For her, in front of this photo

  He has No Energy .. 

           he believes in it that's All, he See her Everywhere 

          Standing he Still Wait For Her..

   A rose in his Hand, Apart From her …

                     He Expecting Nothing  :) 


One day, a woman came into the boy's life. She was beautiful and charming, and she seemed to be everything he had ever wanted in a partner. The boy fell head over heels in love with her, and he believed that this time it was different.

But as time went on, the boy began to realize that the woman was not who he thought she was. She was manipulative and selfish, and she used the boy's love for her own gain. She broke his heart in the worst possible way, and the boy was left feeling empty and alone once again.

He turned to his  poetry for solace, but even that could not ease the pain. He felt like he had lost everything he had ever cared about, and he didn't know how to go on.

But then, one day, something inside the boy shifted. He realized that he had been putting all of his love and energy into the wrong things. He had been seeking love and validation from others, but he had forgotten about the most important love of all – the love for himself.

The boy began to focus on self-love and self-care. He started taking better care of himself physically and emotionally, and he began to see the world in a new light. He realized that he didn't need anyone else's love or approval to be happy.

As the boy continued on this journey of self-discovery, he found that his  poetry became even more powerful. He was able to touch people's souls in a way that he had never been able to before. And he knew that his love for his art would never break his heart in the way that romantic love could.

The boy realized that he had found his true love – the love for himself and his art. And he knew that this love would last to the end of his days.


Sometimes the greatest heartbreaks can lead us to the greatest loves - the love for ourselves and our true calling -  Yar 💜


I am someone who loves to express myself through the written word. Writing is not just a hobby for me, it is a passion. I find immense joy in putting my thoughts and ideas on paper, and bringing them to life. My words are a reflection of my innermost feelings, and writing is my way of expressing myself to the world My pen name is Yar , and it represents my commitment to writing from the heart, with authenticity and honesty. Whether I am penning a blog post, a love letter, or a motivational quote, I always strive to infuse my writing with meaning and emotion..

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