I am so damn scared of losing you..💟
Every time we fight I think that this is it.. that I'll do something or say something because I over-care..😣 I ask too much and cross lines.. honestly don't do it on purpose. Everything inside me just wants to help.❤
Even when I don't know how, or don't know if I even can help.. I always want to and always try. And it comes across like I'm trying to disrespect what you tell me to do.😣. when in reality, just want to help..❤
deep down I know you will never stop loving me, and I tell myself that every day, but there's that moment of instant fear that courses through me every time we hang up.. or every time something happens..❤
you are everything I have ever wanted.. it would absolutely tear me apart to ever lose you.. I'm willing to work through anything and everything to fight for us.❤
. because every square millimeter of me adores you and wants you.. sometimes it doesn't seem like it.. text is hard..😣💟 I hate it with a passion.. But trust me.. all I ever think about is you you mean the world to me.. ❤
& I can't just let someone go without trying to help.. I know I push.. I know I overstep and overcare and overprotect..😣 none of that is ever meant to hurt you.. my entire nature is to help and give.. I love you so so kuch.. I'm so sorry for overstepping and not backing off..💟